About us

KALIMORI GROUP is a group of companies with a 100% social commitment and the purpose is change the way you see disability. We are convinced of doing things differently, creating a unique business model, focused on transcending as an example of social integration, _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_achieving the change we want to see in the world.
KALIMORI GROUP is made up of:

Our community of adults with intellectual disabilities seeks to enhance skills to promote their independence.

Our farm offers REAL products through honest cultivation, where Kalimori residents collaborate in daily activities, taking care of the origin and quality of our products.

Located in the Magic Town of Malinalco, it is a hotel that supports the cause of Kalimori and offers a unique experience where the most important thing is the comfort and happiness of our guests.
To continue with our objective of changing the way of viewing disability, Huakal was born, a company that unites the work of Mexican artisans and the collaboration of people with intellectual disabilities. ​
In Kalimori GroupTHE VALUE IS IN THE DIFFERENCE because we recognize that differences are what give value to the world.